This section will look at a variety of handling drills and different ways to add pressure and difficulty.
Lateral passing drill - great for reach to catch ball, take and move across body and pass
Straight line running and passing drill - good for running straight and catching and passing.
Different colour reaction passing drill - great for decisions and communication
Red yellow green passing squares - Different widths of passing, reaction and communication.
Attack draw pass - simple 2 v 1 drill
Passing race - great to add pressure to simple passing
Attack - 3 v 2 drill with added complexities to simulate match situations
Attack drill - attacks react to different defensive set ups
Attack - Committing cover defenders and scoring in the corner.
Attack - Beating cover defence
Attack - 2 v 2, overs or unders lines of running
Attack - Playing whats in front of you
Diamond shape attack channels - great for support lines in broken play, communication and decision making.
4 v 3 handling development drill
Attack - Backs play from phase play with Danny Cipriani
Attack - attacking from phase play with lines of running and angles.
Attack from phase play - double loading a defender
George North on getting the ball wide
Hogg, North and Trimble on counter attacking
Manu Tuilagi attacking masterclass
Danny care scrum half masterclass